We edit some general programs, such as polygon, chamfer or fillet on two intersecting lines, milling arc from the cylinder ( the unwrapping drawing is arc), hole, pad, and the part of two-datum plane or two ho; holes etc. 编制一些通用的程序,如正多边形、相交两直线的倒角或倒圆、从圆柱面上铣圆弧(展开图是圆弧)、圆孔或圆凸台、有两直角边的、两圆孔的零件等;
The algorithm makes full use of geometric information of intersecting lines to speed up the calculation according to the arc height tolerance. 在跟踪求交的算法中充分利用了交线的几何特性,按等弓高误差快速精确地求取曲面上的交线。